Sunday, May 25, 2008

Louise & Jen Wood's Summer Sweet Tea

This sweet tea recipe was created by Louise Wood (my friend's mom, no relation). I have tweaked it in the last few years. We drink this all summer at our house.

Summer Sweet Tea

3 tea bags (any black tea will do.
we use Red Rose cuz you get a little animal figurine in every box.)

2 or 3 stalks of fresh mint

2 or 3 stalks of fresh lemon balm

boiling water
3 TBSP sugar
I use a 2 1/4 qt pitcher (anything smaller & you may want to use less tea bags & herbs).

Pour water over tea bags & herbs.
Steep for 15 mins.

Remove tea bags & herbs.
Add 3 TBSP sugar.

I usually let it cool for another 15 or 20 mins before putting it in fridge.

Give it a couple of hours to chill &
If you do not have fresh mint or lemon balm you can omit them, it's delicious without them.

If you would like fresh mint or lemon balm, please let me know.

If you have ever planted mint in your garden, then you know how much one can have.

Mint is like that friend you have that comes around so much that your other friends start coming around less often. You don't want to get rid of them, you just need some breathing room.

You must stay on top of trimming or it will kill you in your sleep.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recipe! I'll have to give it a try!!! =)

Stephermay said...

Ha.. I had a few springs of mint that I planted last year when we bought the house... it has already doubled. good advice, I'll have to keep an eye on it :)